accurate data

While information and media coverage of deaths are more prevalent than ever, little attention is given to why the causes of a person’s death matters to the broader population. While this may seem like a morbid thing to focus on, it actually plays a key role in the overall health of the public. Read below to learn 3 areas where accurate cause of death matters to all of us.

1. Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are unfortunate events that occur all over the world, and something we humans have little control over. Aside from causing horrific damage to families, homes, cities, etc. they often result in numerous deaths. This in turn causes an overload of work on the people identifying and registering the cause of death. Sadly, this frequently adds a level of stress in a time when getting it right matters most. The death certificate is the quickest and most efficient way to handle all aspects of death around natural disasters. From dealings between different relief and state agencies, to assisting in search and rescue missions, the goal is to save lives and prevent further harm. Those who certify deaths also help ensure that others do not take advantage of unfortunate circumstances, as can sometimes happen when unscrupulous individuals falsely claim they are owed insurance money or are trying to obtain disaster benefits.

2. Mass fatalities

Similar to natural disasters, it is an unfortunate thing that mass fatalities, particularly those related to shootings, are increasing in society today. While calling cause of death for an event like this might seem “easier” than a natural disaster, it is still a complicated process, and one that holds a lot of weight for overall public health. One of the main reasons cause of death (COD) matters for mass fatalities is in helping investigators solve the cases, if it was a crime, and to assist in the health of family, friends, and others affected by the incident. Mass fatalities have far reaching effects on the psychological well-being of others and finding “closure” through the help of COD reports is one way the public is aided by knowing the facts around the incident. Also important is the fact that data from COD reports can be used to assist in preparedness for future incidents.

3. Tracking health scares/diseases

This is one we’ve discussed in other blog posts but is important enough it deserves mentioning again. Having an accurately identified cause of death is one of the top tools companies, agencies and researchers can use to track, map and identity health scares, epidemics, and concerns both locally and at a national level. This in turn allows for quicker, more effective solutions and preventive measures to be put in place to stop the spread of disease and public health issues like the opioid epidemic. Knowledge is needed to make well-founded decisions, and COD information is a vital source for preventative measures for public health.

The bottom line to keep in mind is WHY accurate COD matters. We can see from these three examples, that having an accurate cause of death is a major factor behind the responses, solutions, and overall well-being of all of our health. For many, this something we don’t think about until we are unfortunate enough to be in a situation where that information is needed. But remember, solutions are built on solid information, and armed with this crucial data, our personal and our public health will reap great benefits.

If you’re interested in learning more, and discussing other issues, connect with us on LinkedIn and Facebook, or email Kim West.


IACME 2018 Presentation | Dr. Margaret (Margi) Warner, Injury Epidemiologist, CDC/NCHS
IACME 2018 Presentation | John Fudenberg, Clark County Coroner, Nevada