by Petra Borhani-Bakker | May 24, 2016 | SEO Refresh, Vital Records
QuantumMark has been working in Vital Records (VR) for over two decades. We have provided a wide range of project management services for 11 States with planning for and implementing electronic registration systems and streamlining processes and procedures....
by Petra Borhani-Bakker | May 20, 2016 | Public Health, Vital Records
Number’s one and two for the leading cause of death in the US may not surprise you. Heart disease kills 614,000 people a year, Cancer claims 591,000 lives a year, but the culprit responsible for 251,000 deaths a year may be the scariest killer of all. Medical Error...
by Petra Borhani-Bakker | Apr 28, 2016 | SEO Refresh, Vital Records
The budget of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has slowly and steadily increased, and in each year, we’ve seen Congress prioritize funding for the vital statistics infrastructure.” This funding plays a critical role in allowing birth and...
by Petra Borhani-Bakker | Apr 11, 2016 | NAPHSIS
With June and the NAPHSIS Annual Meeting quickly approaching, we thought we’d highlight a few of the sessions offered this year. On Sunday, the kick-off day, this year’s Innovations Session will focus on Challenges and Successes from States and Partners. QuantumMark...
by Petra Borhani-Bakker | Apr 1, 2016 | NAPHSIS, Public Health
EVVE (Electric Verification of Vital Events) is an important program run by NAPHSIS (National Association of Public Health Statistics and Information Services). EVVE allows Federal and state agencies to use birth certificates to track proof of age, citizenship, and...
by Petra Borhani-Bakker | Mar 18, 2016 | NAPHSIS, Vital Records
NAPHSIS Releases their March 2016 Update NAPHSIS released their March Executive Director Update to all their subscribers, so check your mailboxes. In it, they detail a new Life Expectancy at Birth Project recently launched and express their excitement for its...