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As consultants, we know that our industry/the demand for our services is growing faster than ever. We also know that the types of services we need to provide are changing. As well as HOW we provide services. One big area is the key role emotional intelligence now plays in consulting across all industries. More than ever, we consultants have to make sure that people are at the center of everything we do. This is especially true as technology, automations, and AI (artificial intelligence) continue to play a larger role across every business and industry. So why exactly do emotional intelligence and consulting go hand-in-hand? Read to learn 3 reasons below, and why they matter for you and your clients:


Complements AI

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While there are A LOT of areas of business that can be automated through AI, emotional skills are not one of them. This is what makes humans human, and why we all need to ensure people are still accounted for in consulting and business. As Consultancy.eu explains “Building emotional intelligence is becoming an increasingly important asset for consultants, especially for those that operate mainly in a highly analytical environment.” This is because the emotional skills/intelligence have to be involved in the realms of AI in order for business to be successful.


Return on Investment (ROI)

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It’s important to ensure there is emotional intelligence/skills being used with any technology/AI element so you and your clients get a good ROI. It is undeniable that technology’s role in business is growing faster than ever, but so too is poor ROI on technologies. This is where emotional intelligence comes in. By using those skills, you (the consultant) make sure clients are investing in the right technologies and taking into account the people and their needs in their choices. We know this scenario inside and out – it is the reason QuantumMark was founded. We saw that consultants and clients were either entirely focused on technology and getting a poor ROI from it, or entirely focused on people and getting poor ROI from them. There must be a middle ground. You need to bring both people (emotional intelligence) and technology together to truly get the best ROI and business results.



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Not to sound dramatic, but if you don’t develop and hone your emotional intelligence, your longevity as a consultant will be non-existent. This is especially true as AI grows. It is essential that you are able to relate and help analyze and conduct business from the humanity side. It is vital to focus on empathy. Many clients and industries are going through a hard time that requires rapid change. They need the consultants they work with to empathize and help them move through challenges with emotional intelligence and support. This will be your golden ticket to longevity and success for you, your business, and your employees.

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The key role that we consultants play in business continues to grow. As it does, our skillsets and focuses need to grow with it. A lot of the manual roles we all use to play are changing as AI has automated processes. This represents an entire new slew of problems/challenges for our clients, and opportunities for us. We need to hone and practice emotional intelligence to meet these new needs and help ourselves and clients be successful. Just like peanut butter and jelly, emotional intelligence and consulting go hand-in-hand.


Interested in learning more about emotional intelligence? Contact our team at Kim@QuantumMark.com today!
