Business technology and systems are key elements of our day to day life. With our work-from-home reality, it is being used more than ever. Do you know what else is key? Project management. Yes, you read that correctly! People tend to think of project management and technology projects as two different silos. This thinking needs to stop. Project management goes hand in hand with technology and systems. The most successful business knows this, and it is a hard lesson learned for those who try to separate the two. To get the most out of technology/systems, you must involve project management and project managers. Why? Because it helps ensure the right technology/software is being utilized. It also holds everyone accountable throughout implementations and updates. Read below to learn 3 of the many ways project management helps technology, so you can improve your business today:


Project management and leadership skills are integral in any technology project. Johan Aurik does a great job of explaining that leadership skills learned from successful project management combine with developments in technology, the possibilities are endless! “Technology empowers integrated leadership systems that blend human qualities throughout the organization into a single resource, focused on what matters most.” The skillsets IT teams and CTOs learn from project managers help them become more effective in their future work. Project management allows for people to also step into leadership roles and build better communication across IT and other departments.

Planning + Implementation

Project management is one of the most important aspects in the planning and implementation of technology. It ensures the right technology is being looked at and key business problems are fixed. Project management also helps everyone involved be forward thinking. How? By verifying the technology/system being invested in can meet business needs for years to come. During implementation, project management keeps projects on time and budget. It ensures everything needed for implementation is prepared and that all stakeholders know their responsibilities. QuantumMark has been helping clients with technology planning and implementation for the past 20 years. Our clients can testify to the key role project management plays in the overall success and investment.

Adoption + Use

People mistakenly think once a technology or system is implemented, the hard work is done. This could not be farther from the truth. Why? Because you also have to ensure that technology is actually adopted and used by your key stakeholders. Project management helps build in adoption throughout the implementation of a system. It also helps ensure that each stakeholder group understands the aspect of a system they need to use. A great example of this is our work with vital records. We’ve helped clients achieve better adoption and improved data by working with each stakeholder to understand the specific aspects of a system they use. This tailored approach motivates people to use the new technology, ensures that resources and time are not wasted, and results in happy clients!

Our goal for the future is simple: to have all of us start viewing project management as a key factor for all technology and system related projects and issues. The more it is included in planning and thinking, the more impactful and effective our technologies will be. From pushing for the development of newer improved technologies/systems to increasing our business efficiency, project management and technology are truly stronger when joined together. Our challenge to you is this – next time you have a technology/software project, bring on a project manager/management firm from the beginning. Your budget and staff will thank you.