Project Management

When thinking of project management, most companies and individuals think about what benefits they see in terms of meeting goals, utilizing budget effectively, and having a successful project overall. However, there is a very powerful side effect that needs to be considered; the increased value and loyalty employees gain, and therefore, you gain. Read below to learn 3 of the many ways project management adds value to your employees and your company:

1.) Transfers key skills and leadership qualities

A good project management firm will make sure they work closely with your team at every step of a project, focusing on teaching and transferring the skills they possess. The reason? They want to instill in your team intimate knowledge of the thinking and reasoning process, and technological skills required to overcome any roadblocks that might arise in the future. Effective project management is temporary; transferring skills helps to continue the success the company sees once the project management work is done. This means that your employees also gain powerful leadership qualities and can continue to pass these down to other employees and stakeholders.

2.) Builds employee buy-in and loyalty

A huge benefit that happens when a company hires a good project management firm is that, through the process of working on a project, goal, or new initiative with them, your internal employee loyalty is boosted. This happens because, by feeling like their opinions, voices, and work matter for the success of the project, they feel ownership and buy-in for the solution put in place, which then translates to company buy-in. The benefit of having a project management firm facilitate this is that employees often feel more open and willing to share and speak up about their ideas with a neutral third party “leading” the project.

3.) Promotes an environment for thought leadership

Just as employees often feel more able to speak up when a project management company is running a project, employees often find themselves in different roles than their everyday job requires. This allows people to see other sides of their coworkers and their roles. An environment like a think tank showcases who has strong leadership skills, who work well together, etc. The insights gained here are invaluable for employers and can also place every employee in exactly the right position for them.

The three examples listed above are just some of the many ways project management boosts the value of your employees. What is most important is understanding that, all the skills and buy-in established while working with a project manager creates retention of your employees, and in ensuring the right ones are in the right place.

Interested in learning more about how to utilize project management for employee retention and ROI? Contact us today for an exclusive strategy session! If you’re interested in learning more, and discussing other issues, email Kim West, or connect with us on LinkedIn and Facebook.